How to Write the Perfect Blog Posts Loved by Google and Customers

2 min read

by David Gevorkian


We all know that content is king. But writing blog posts for your website is easier said than done. Choosing the topic for your article is just one of the hurdles you have to face. Making sure that it's chockfull of information that will interest your readers is another one. And the biggest one of all, making sure it's good enough that Google ranks it high on their search engine.

So, for those of us who aren't professional writers, how do you make sure that your blog posts always fit the bill? Below are some tips and tricks that should help.


What is Internet Search

As we've already mentioned, you need to make sure that your blog posts have high quality content. That means your customers should be able to find the information they're looking for when they read your articles.

And in order to do that, you need to know what their needs are and what solutions they are looking for. That's where your internet research comes in.

The Importance of Research Processes 

Your research process is important for several reasons. One, it enables you to find out what topics interest your readers. You'll be able to learn what are the topics currently trending that are sure to catch your target market's attention. 

Two, you can find and verify facts that would support your topic. This is incredibly important because you want your readers to trust the information you are giving them. You want to be viewed as a trusted expert in your field. And that's just not possible if you don't do your due diligence - research.

Three, research will enable you to figure out which keywords to use. More on that below.

Choosing the Right Keywords

If you want your blog post to rank high on Google's search engine results, you need to make sure that you include keywords that your audience uses when searching for information. Keywords will help you drive traffic to your blog post. There are a variety of keyword tools that you can use to find the right keywords that will fit your topic.


How to Write Headlines that Drive Traffic


Before you start writing the content of your blog post, you first need to write the headline. It's the first thing that readers will see, so you need to make sure that it's engaging enough to catch their attention. It's what will ensure that they click on your link, taking them to your website. 

 So, how do you make your headline catchy?

First, include a number because research shows that the human brain is attracted to numbers. Second, use a rationale that would make them interested. For example, "7 reasons why you should start a business today." Third, be ultra-specific because it should answer the question they are asking. For example, "5 small business plans that were successful." Fourth, don't forget to include your keyword/keyword phrase in the title.


The Content


How Much Content Should I Write?

In order for your blog post to rank well on Google's search engine results, you'll need to have at least 300 words. However, according to recent studies, articles need to be around 2,500 words in order to rank high. 

Add a Clear Introduction

Start off your blog post with a clear indication of what specific topic you will be talking about. Be explicit when defining your reader's problem, so they know right off the bat if reading your blog post is going to help them.


Think about Right Meta-description

The meta-description is sort of a snippet preview of what your article is going to be about. It shows up underneath the title of the web page listed on the search engine results. Your meta-description should help convince your audience that clicking on your link is exactly what they need to do. 

What should the right meta-description include? Your focus keyword, your call-to-action, and specifics about what type of content the readers will find on the page.

Linking your Content

Adding links to other pieces within your website creates an impression that you have considerable knowledge about the topic which makes your website look like a good resource. It also enhances the reader's user experience because they won't have to leave your website to learn more about the topic. 

Strong and Clear Conclusion

The end of your blog post should clearly sum up the important points you mentioned. It should also give the readers a clear call-to-action. Your CTA should be short and concise; it should strongly encourage your readers to respond positively to what you're asking.

Make your Content Accessible 

Website accessibility covers a lot of ground. It primarily focuses on ensuring that anyone can access the features and content of a digital solution. In terms of your blog post, this means that you should make sure that everyone has equal access to your content.

According to the standards of web accessibility, this means several things.

One, you should make sure that your blog post is readable. It must be easy to read, uses simple words and short sentences. Two, include alt texts for images and captions for videos. Three, use descriptive link texts. Four, use large font sizes to make your content more readable. Five, use headings and lists to make your content easier to navigate and consume, especially for people using screen readers.

Of course, there are other things you can do to ensure the accessibility of your content. You can use a checklist provided by the WCAG. 


Featured Snippets is a Must

Featured snippets are those descriptive texts you see displayed on top of Google search engine results that aim to answer your search query. One benefit to featured snippets is increased brand exposure in the search results. This leads to an increase in your website's click-through rate and traffic.  

Link to High Authority Websites

High authority websites are those websites that are popular among visitors seeking a specific type of information. A good example is a forum about building personal, gaming computers. It's a niche topic and the knowledge within comes from the entire community which could number from tens to hundreds of thousands.

The website is not popular because of SEO or keyword-stuffing. It is considered as such because it has become a popular and reliable resource on the topic. 

 When you link to high authority websites, you're increasing the value of your own website as a resource. You want to provide your readers with value which includes giving them other sources of information that they might need.

As an added bonus, linking out will most likely result in a positive effect on your page ranking. Plus, it will drive traffic to your website. Any website you link to will see the traffic you're sending them which, in turn, causes them to look at your website. Maybe they'll like your post and link to it. Maybe they'll subscribe to your blog. Whatever the case may be, you'll be getting more views.



As you can see, there are plenty of things you can do to create the perfect blog post. From doing a lot of in-depth research to linking back to high authority websites. But it is important to keep in mind that you won't see results overnight. Practice makes perfect and consistency is key. 


About the author

David started Be Accessible because of his passion for website accessibility and ADA compliance. He spent much of his career working for financial institutions creating websites and mobile applications. He earned his Master’s in Business Administration from Salve Regina University in Rhode Island. David is an advocate for creating web interfaces usable by all people. He enjoys recording music and playing soccer with friends.

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